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The Principles of Modesty


In studying inspired writings, we find the principles of modesty, which should govern our appearance. We learn that:

  • God wants others to be able to tell I'm a Christian by my appearance and clothing.
  • God wants me to dress in modest clothing.
  • God wants my heart to be free from pride and vanity.
  • God wants my appearance to be characterized by purity.
  • God wants me to be happy and content as I dress modestly and plainly.
  • God wants me to avoid sensual, immodest apparel and demeanor.
  • God wants me to avoid attracting attention to myself.
  • God wants my clothing to be neat, clean, orderly and tasteful.
  • God wants me to refrain from display of jewelry and ornaments of every kind
  • God wants me to dress with simplicity, economy and practicality.
  • God wants me to avoid artificiality and showiness.
  • God wants me to exert a godly example by my modest, plain dress.
  • God wants me to oppose the fashions and customs of the world.
  • God wants me to shun the love of dress and display.
  • God wants there to be a distinct line of demarcation in my appearance between me and the world.

Taking these principles, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to tell if each article of clothing, each attempt at adornment, is pleasing to God, or is it, in fact, a worldly fashion or custom, unfit for a child of God.

Let's start with our hair.

  • God wants me to wear my hair in such a way that it is glorifying to Him.
  • God wants me to keep my hair clean, neat and orderly.
  • God wants my hairstyle to reveal to others that I am a Christian.
  • God wants my hairstyle to be simple, and not such as it will attract undue attention.
  • God wants my hair to reflect a godly character, with meekness and humility.
  • God wants it to be obvious to all that I do not spend large amounts of time or money on my hair.
  • God wants my hair to look natural and plain, not artificially colored or styled.
  • God wants me to avoid adorning my hair with jewels, and elaborate hair ornaments.

Let's move to our face.

  • God wants my face to reflect His glory, shining out from within.
  • God wants my expression to portray peace and radiate with joy.
  • God wants my eyes to be free from sensuality and seduction.
  • God wants my lips to speak His praise, not draw attention to self.
  • God wants my cheeks and skin to naturally glow with health.
  • God want my face to be free from signs of vanity and pride.
  • God wants my face to be free from artificial phoniness and deceptive coverings.

Let's check our fingernails and toenails.

  • God wants my nails to be clean and well groomed.
  • God wants my nails to be natural, free from artificial decoration.
  • God wants my hands to be dedicated to His service, without anything to detract.
  • God wants my feet to go on His errands, on the straight and narrow path.

Let's talk about adornment with jewelry, piercing and tattoos.

  • God wants me to dedicate my entire body to Him, for His Spirit to indwell.
  • God wants me to refrain from wearing jewelry of any kind.
  • God wants me to refrain from any body piercing or tattoos.

Now let's talk about our clothing.

  • God wants me to cover my body so that all may readily observe my modesty.
  • God wants me to wear my clothing in such a way that it disguises the form of my body.
  • God wants me to wear clothing that is appropriate and tasteful.
  • God wants me to dress with simplicity and plainness.
  • God wants me to avoid following worldly fashions based on selfishness and showiness.
  • God wants me to avoid clothing that is sensual or suggestive in any way.
  • God wants me to wear clothing that distinguishes me as a Christian.
  • God wants me to dress in a humble, unassuming manner.
  • God wants me to avoid any apparel that leads to pride and vanity.
  • God wants others to see by my dress that I am not a follower of fashion.
  • God wants me to dress with economy, and not focus on my clothing.

Let's not forget our shoes.

  • God wants me to wear shoes for comfort and practicality, not for display.
  • God wants me to wear shoes that are sturdy, quality, yet economical.
  • God wants me to wear shoes that don't draw attention to my feet.
  • God wants me to wear shoes that don't stir up pride in my heart.
  • God wants me to avoid fashionable styles based on glamour.
  • God wants me to wear shoes that are free from sensuality.
  • God wants me to avoid unnatural positions, such as high heels and platforms.
  • God wants others to see by my choice of shoes that I uphold godly standards.
  • God wants me to witness for Him even by the shoes I wear.


There are only two roads; one leads to heaven, the other to death and hell. God is love; and oh! what love he has revealed to us in giving his Son to die for us. How can we be indifferent to the claims God has upon us? How can we devote our God-given time, the hours of probation granted us here in which to prepare for a higher and immortal life, to thinking of ourselves, of our appearance, in allowing pride to take possession of our hearts when we consider the infinite price that has been paid for our redemption? {ST, January 31, 1878}





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