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This web site is for you, dear Christian sister--consider it as a loving hand reaching out to assist and encourage you to come away from the pollutions of this world into a purer, holier atmosphere. May the Spirit of God touch each heart as we seek the narrow path, leading away from the world. By God's grace, we are moving toward modesty!

And dear Christian brother, this web site is for you, too! By understanding God's principles of modesty you will be able to encourage the women in your family to move toward modesty. May God bless you as you seek to flee immature lusts, and pursue holiness even in your thoughts and feelings.


O Modesty, Where is Thy Blush?

O Modesty, where is thy blush? we may ask,
O Nakedness, where is thy shame?
Fast slipping away from the people of God
Till some are mere Christians in name.

O Modesty, thou art a virtue quite rare,
A most treasured gem of each saint.
But where are the women aglow with God's love,
With courage to be labeled quaint?

The world treats unkindly who will not conform
To rules that Fashion declares.
For any who dare to step out from the crowd
Will notice the whispers and stares.

Yes, Fashion is cruel, she has her designs,
For she is the foe of the Lord.
She violates principles God has laid down
In counsel quite clear in His Word.

The daughter of Fashion must pamper her pride,
For meekness would make her too plain.
So vanity leads to all manner of show,
And Modesty's held in disdain.

As Modesty flees, and the goddess now reigns,
Discernment and conscience both sleep.
The church and the world now appear as if one--
How God's holy angels must weep!

O Modesty, waken the people of God
And let us recapture thy grace!
Adorn us with purity, meekness and love--
Prepare us to look on His face!




As a people who are preparing for the soon return of Christ, we should give to the world an example of modest dress in contrast with the prevailing fashion of the day. {CG 424.4}

Listen to this sermon on modesty.







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